Chapter 7: Account management
Manage your subscription
Upgrade your subscription from a free account
If you are currently using the Basic edition of Intuitive Password and would like to upgrade to a premium edition, follow these steps.
- Select the "Preferences" tab located on the left-hand side of the screen, then navigate to the "Account Details" section. Within the "Account Details" section, click on the "Upgrade Account" button.
- You will be redirected to the upgrade page, where you can explore and choose the premium edition that suits your needs. Follow the instructions provided on the upgrade page to complete the upgrade process, this may involve selecting a subscription plan, providing payment details, and confirming your upgrade.
Upgrade your subscription from a premium account
If you are already using a premium edition of Intuitive Password and wish to upgrade to a higher-level premium edition, follow these steps.
- Select the "Preferences" tab located on the left-hand side of the screen, then choose "Subscription Details" from the dropdown list. Within the "Subscription Details" section, click on the "Renew Account" button.
- Follow the instructions provided on the screen to revert your account to the Basic edition. Once your account has been reverted to the Basic edition, you will be able to select another premium edition for upgrading your account. This may involve selecting a subscription plan, providing payment details, and confirming your upgrade.
Downgrade your subscription
If you are using a premium subscription of Intuitive Password and want to downgrade to the Basic edition, follow these steps.
- Select the "Preferences" tab located on the left-hand side of the screen, then choose "Subscription Details" from the dropdown list. Within the "Subscription Details" section, click on the "Revert to Basic Edition" button.
- Follow the instructions provided on the screen to confirm and complete the downgrade process. Your account will be downgraded to the Basic edition, and any features or benefits exclusive to premium editions will no longer be available.
Closing your account permanently
If you wish to permanently close your Intuitive Password account, please follow these steps carefully, as this action cannot be undone.
- Select the "Preferences" tab located on the left-hand side of the screen, then choose "Subscription Details" from the dropdown list. To ensure the security of your account, you will be required to verify your identity. Enter your security answer in the provided field.
- Next, enter your account password in the designated field to further confirm your identity. Once your identity and account details are verified, click on the "Close Account" button.
- After confirming, your Intuitive Password account will be permanently closed, and all associated data will be deleted. This includes passwords, notes, and any other information stored within the account.
FAQs for this topic
Under the "Preferences" tab, select "Subscription Details," click "Renew Account" to revert to the Basic edition, and then follow the instructions to select another premium edition, provide payment details, and confirm the upgrade.
Select the "Preferences" tab, choose "Subscription Details," verify your identity with your security answer and account password, then click "Close Account" to permanently close your account and delete all associated data.